Loads of weirdness these days. grr. So I thought I'd share it with u
1st of all - u is actually someone! Can u believe that? lmao. I mean I didn't believe ANYone reads this piece of emotional shit ;D I'm glad and thankful though! But face it.......POOR U who are reading this. K, I'm cutting the crap.
A few minutes ago my family got a fake phone call. Some guy claiming to be a "doctor" said my aunt had broken her leg and that a lot of money were needed for operation. Mom and grandma actually believed him. WOW. But then they got their mind together and called my aunt. HA! It all turned out one big hairy lie.
Whatever, I'm having Usher moments! #ConfessionTime I LOVE THE GUY! I was 4 when I first heard him....NOMNOMNOMNOM
Oh and I wanna drink @biebercoke now 'Cause I found out she reads my blog. Let's get biebercoke drunk ;D
I'm stopping for real now
I've got Spanish homework I haven't even started and it's 9:20PM
Last thing: I LOVE MY BUNNIE A LOT ;o 0 Comments
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
This is my Blog, as you all know. So that means no1 is allowed to copy anything here without my permission.
Spamming also is forbidden. Rude / vulgar words in my tagboard will be deleted. And lastly, enjoy your stay here. (:
Ina, 17. Small town girl chasing a dream, living life to its fullest. Loving, acting, dancing, singing. I live with my mother and grandparents.
I'm ambitious and beyond that...friendly, kind and loving. I love acting, music, photography and fantasy books. My big "someday" thing is to become an actress.
I will always do my best to get to where I've headed! I hate exams and homeworks. Studying sucks. But I mostly get As at school. I always bring my phone everywhere and I spend 80% of the day listening to music. Most important of all I'm a BELIEBER!
I'm ready to leave a footprint on this earth before I go :)